This came in handy the last two days at work. The boss is at his cottage, and I was all pumped to listen to music while working yesterday. I remembered my ipod, but forgot the cord, and just as I was cursing myself, I remembered that you can stream T.A.L. on their website. And so work has been good this week, if a little stressful for other reasons.
I have listened to and recommend:
Notes on Camp - I love stories about camp. I always wish I had gone, but I totally would have hated it if I had.
Prom - Gee, is it obvious that I love portrayals of the experiences of youth?
Superpowers - Chris Ware talks about his own superhero obsession in this one!
Jenna found the website of the designer behind our favourite Keds shoes: Eleanor Grosch. At times she seems pretty obviously inspired by Charley Harper, and there ain't nothin' wrong with that. She also designed a raccoon pillow that I've thought about buying before at Urban Outfitters without knowing it was hers. I can't remember why I never did buy it. She also has some pretty great stuff available here.
And, while I'm to things to decorate your home with, and even though I'm often not the biggest fan of wall stickers, there's something about this set that I quite like.
Of course there's all kinds of things from veer that I quite like, but I'll probably never own any of it. Especially since, as much as I love that mug, it's $18!
And finally: this one's for the Qatalyst folks, if they take my invitation and stop by.
I think you would like this book: http://www.amazon.ca/Camp-Where-Fantasy-Island-Meets/dp/0307382621/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1219351821&sr=8-1
I own it because David Wain is a contributor, and also because, like you, I love the camp I never attended. You can borrow it.
That does sound right up my alley! I'm adding it to my amazon wishlist right now!
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