I made reference to My Parents Were Awesome the other night, and found out no-one I was with knew about it. I assumed everyone did. It can be pretty entertaining, and I know I've got some pictures of my dad that would go well on there. Whether he'd hate me for sharing them or not, that would be up for debate...
Recent highlights in my books include: Tom and Jan (LOVE the VW sweater. Vehicle/clothing matching is key.); Alan and Barbara (AMAZING.)
It's good to be reminded sometimes that your parents used to be young, and potentially awesome. Before they got old of course...
Speaking of families and photos, have you seen Awkward Family Photos before?
The Final Frontier has to be the best one I've ever seen on there. Hands down. Best.
I have seen some pretty great music boxes in the last few years (like these ones from Something's Hiding in Here), but the sound of these ones that The Lovely Package featured seems extra nice.
Seriously, I swear when I listened to You Are My Sunshine, I almost cried. So nice. I always find that song sounds somewhat tragic, and that aspect really comes through when you listen to the version they have up there.
Other highlights? The Simpsons, and valse d'amelie (1)
I find the first image in this Design Porn feature on James Deavin so striking. I love the idea behind that series, and all of the images look pretty amazing. I'm definitely going to have to give his site a good once over.
Mar/Apr film guide is done. Maybe now I'll be able to feel caught up on something. Oh wait, there's all the work I put off to get that done, and then our big March Break festival... Fun.
I love my parents were awesome. I found it a few months back.
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