Another awesome image I just saw: Morning Commute by Timber. Pretty much awesome. If it weren't on a white shirt, I might have to buy it...
This diagram of the ignition system on a motorcycle is pretty damn amazing as well.
Signifier and Signified by Brandon Bird. Ridiculously amazing. "If you like linguistics and vans, then boy, is this the print for you." I do like both of those things!
Brandon's got some other pretty ridiculous things for sale on TopatoCo, like:
No One Wants to Play Sega With Harrison Ford - the awesome thing about this print? it looks like a really well detailed original Sega.
In Heaven - Bob Ross + Surfing + Dog = ridiculous.
Speaking of TopatoCo, Jeffery Rowland and other folks whom he seems to chum around with are going to be at Toronto Comic Arts Fest on May 9-10. Which is free and sounds awesome. I will hopefully be going.
I will definitely be going to the big CFUW Book Sale today. Always a good time. Tonnes of books. Can't wait to hunt through the kids book room for some gems. Gotta love old kids books. I seem to more and more all the time. Amazing illustrations.
if you like vhs tapes, you should check out... http://www.videothing.com/
Thanks for the link Sebastian, there's some cool looking stuff going on there!
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