On Friday night, I was riding my bike home down Erb St., and I swear I saw a deer. It was the craziest thing. It came down Roslin from the direction of the rec centre, ran across Erb, and continued on Roslin. Weird. I wish I had thought to take a pic with my phone, but instead I text messaged myself to remember, and for proof. I wonder if anyone else saw it?
This is an amazing chest of drawers. Great idea, and it looks really well executed.
"Man Single-handedly Starts Dance Party" It's pretty hilariously amazing just how far this dance party goes. Seriously. (Headline stolen from my lj friend Jen)
Tony Jr. is so cute! I love old cereal packaging design, and this is no exception.
I've been doing a lot of downloading and movie watching lately. 2 of those movies were The Outsiders and Rumble Fish. Not like I hadn't seen them before, and not like I didn't already know this, but young Diane Lane, who appears in both of them, was really cute. Not to say she isn't still attractive, but damn.
I had heard you bought a house. where is it?
Apparently kind of near you? I think someone mentioned that...
Ahrens near Weber and Union.
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