

Here are some pics I took of the aforementioned carnival. Such a weird thing. Love the tilt a whirl sign though. Love it.
This stuff looks crazy. Seriously. That's some time and commitment. Impressed (via Drawn)
I live in a house where multiple clocks are set to the wrong time to trick their owners into doing things on time, so I totally understand the idea behind this clock. Pretty clever. If you think the whole idea is clever. I just think it seriously improves your ability to do math while tired, but, you know, to each their own.
Some people's self promotional stuff is so awesome, like this memory set right here. I would love a set of those!
The tiger on the front of this book is just too adorable not to share. (not unlike Tony Jr., whom I had to link to here) Apparently I like images of baby tigers. Who knew?
Finally, a little Beartato. While I have to say that Beartato's goals are extremely honourable and respectable, I can't say that I wouldn't share Reginald's.

1 comment:

linds said...

Ah! I guess that's why there were carney's in the parking lot I walk through on the way to work the other week - they had that strawberry thing. They were all a little creepy and weird.

Also that clock is awesome. I need it. It drives me nuts that every clock is set different and all way too fast.