I just can't believe this one. Who decided that creating that was a good idea? Really? Or, once they created it, how did they not realize it looked like it was burning and decide that selling it might not be the best idea?
When I first spotted this poster the other day, I thought it was pretty great. Then I flipped over to the comments and read how it was created: "Each poster background was masked and spraypainted by hand using 2 metallic colors. The trees were drawn and the rest of the layers were created using spray paint and masking techniques that were scanned into the computer to print the vellums. The only thing that wasn't made by hand was the type."
That's pretty impressive if you ask me. I mean, I create digital files that get printed digitally. I'm already impressed by people who screen print all of their posters. But then this? Seriously Impressive.
Apparently United Visual Artists created a video for Battles' Tonto. I actually own the single for this song, and the cover art is taken from this video, but it never occurred to me that this was where the art came from. "The video consists of our documentation of the band’s marathon 11 hour performance". Impressive. (Apparently I'm impressed this morning...)
Loving this cutting board, but, like many things I've liked from House, expensive. Makes me want a woodshop so's I could create my own.
A great little explosion of colour. Don't know if this is staged, or for real, but it's pretty great regardless.
Finally got some of my newer posters up on gigposters, with two more waiting to be approved. Feeling pretty good about some of this stuff lately, so I keep wanting to share.
whoa!! that snk postcard is really, really amazing. nice work!!
Thanks so much Amy! I'm super pumped about working with them.
look, jon, I made bear-faces!
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