So things have been wicked busy since my last post. Busy times at work, and lots to do at the house.
I've got some pictures I'd like to share, but I can't find the usb cord for the camera. Burn. At least one of them was taken at the Westvale community carnival tonight. How weird is it when you walk down your suburban street, and up a path to what is usually a large empty lawn, to find that that lawn is filled with a ferris wheel, go-gator, and tilt a whirl? Weird. But awesome.
I love the way lights photograph in old pictures. The halo/luminescent effect that they get due to the long exposure times is just amazing. This is quite the example, but it's almost too much.
This one's prettier though, and a nice example of how they can embellish an image.
Lindz posted about wanting to able to see this, and I couldn't agree more. I barely know anything about Banksy, but there are so many impressive things about him, such as the variety of his output, and the fact that he's a fairly famous artist, and people still do not know who he is.
Once this video hits about the mid-way point it goes from pretty great, to pretty awesome. Seriously, check it out.
Okay, I'm sure I have about 8 million other things to share in my google reader, but I've also got about 8 million things to do, but first I need to relax and sleep before I can do that. Most of this stuff was in a post I started earlier and finally now I'm posting. So that's it for now, but maybe I'll have something else to say soon. I can't even bother to find a picture to use...
(Okay, one last thing. Layer Tennis is almost up to the final match. The road to it has been awesome. Particularly this match. So awesome.)

Pictures to come for sure. Stressed out times to come for sure too...
On to other things for now though...
Loving this skateboard. Habitat's always done nice stuff, but putting Charley Harper on a deck? nice work. There's other ones too, check 'em out here.
Recently I noticed that the building that housed Byma's Tire & Auto in the Bridgeport plaza was being torn down. This got me really worried about the beautiful large Firestone sign that has sat on the outskirts of the parking lot on Bridgeport for as long as I can remember.
Turns out my worries were warranted. Before I even got out to take some photographs to document its existence, the sign has been removed. What a shame. I just looked up Byma's online and it turns out they have simply moved, not folded, so now my only hope is that the sign is moving with them to their new home. I've emailed them to find out if that is the case. Failing that, maybe they can tell me where it has gone so I can go take pictures of it.
This is just one of those things that makes me sad. It's just a damn shame to see the nice things go, while crap keeps going up. Draplin sums this kind of thing all up very nicely here.
Here's some real gorgeous business cards. Not surpisingly made by Studio on Fire, and not surprising made for Space 150.
Amazingly, Space 150 completely redesigns their design identity every 150 days. Completely. Like, letterheads, everything. Every 150 days. That's huge. Major commitment there. Just imagine the expenditure even...
Check out more of the stuff Studio on Fire has done for them here.
In movie watching news. DO NOT watch S. Darko. Terrible.
I feel like I had more to say, but I guess not. Too many other things to think about I think.
charley harper,
space 150,
studio on fire

On Friday night, I was riding my bike home down Erb St., and I swear I saw a deer. It was the craziest thing. It came down Roslin from the direction of the rec centre, ran across Erb, and continued on Roslin. Weird. I wish I had thought to take a pic with my phone, but instead I text messaged myself to remember, and for proof. I wonder if anyone else saw it?
This is an amazing chest of drawers. Great idea, and it looks really well executed.
"Man Single-handedly Starts Dance Party" It's pretty hilariously amazing just how far this dance party goes. Seriously. (Headline stolen from my lj friend Jen)
Tony Jr. is so cute! I love old cereal packaging design, and this is no exception.
I've been doing a lot of downloading and movie watching lately. 2 of those movies were The Outsiders and Rumble Fish. Not like I hadn't seen them before, and not like I didn't already know this, but young Diane Lane, who appears in both of them, was really cute. Not to say she isn't still attractive, but damn.

Back on my very Canadian day, when I was at the NFB I was looking around, really hoping they'd have a shirt with the classic NFB logo on it. They didn't then, but it turns out that now they do! Wish it wasn't on white, but I might need one...
Bunny garbage bin. Cute.
Speaking of cute, at work today I was looking up stuff on upcoming movies and found Paper Heart. SO CUTE. Seriously. There's some other stuff I'm looking forward to coming up (Brothers Bloom, 500 Days of Summer [could be crap, but Zooey Deschanel is a big draw for me. Actually Joey Gordon Levitt is a pretty good draw too...], and of course Away We Go [though Jenna says I just am excited for this because I think John Krasinski looks like me in it]), but none of those trailers have made me smile nearly as much as this one did. Adorable.
I have come to realize that sometimes the images on the front are old patterns are amazing. This is one of those cases. I have an even better one saved up for potential future use that maybe you'll get to see. Mini Magnum is all I have to say...
I never knew that they made Chuck mids, but now I really want a pair. Nice.
I'm sadly pretty excited to buy my Miracle Whip in this new packaging. Really hope that this part of the write up about it becomes more and more true as time goes by: "Apparently all the thrift shopping of vintage stuff by the 18- and 34-year-olds has finally paid off and that oldish look can feel new again." Seriously, all a company really needs to do is just reintroduce their classic packaging and will be so looking forward to buying it. Sad but true.
Big things to come next Friday. Can't wait.
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