
Been doing more book reading than blog-reading this past week. By the way, you should read City of Thieves by David Benioff. Jenna got me to read it, and it was real good. Aside from reading, this weekend I spent a lot of time re-arranging, sweeping, vacuuming, mowing, baking and more.  Busy weekend, with satisfying results.
That image above is a crop of this image from Shorpy. I just love that giant hat.
Here's an interesting little article on the founder of Best Made Co., who make really pretty axes. I frequently browse and covet their axes. They're really nice, but pretty impractical. If I had a ridiculous amount of extra money, I might buy one though. Like that's every going to happen...
Living in: Stand by Me. I always find this feature on design*sponge interesting, but this has got to be my favourite so far. I think about this movie, and it's look and feel a lot. Many things trigger it. I've always loved the idea of it, and the image of the boys, and their bedrolls, trudging down the tracks. Particularly the bedrolls. There's just something about bedrolls...
Speaking of camping, look how pretty these trailers are. Super compact, and super classy.
Soviet Posters Recreated With Barbie Dolls. Genius.
Caffeinated Maple-Bacon Lollipops. Wow. These things just have it all, don't they? Damn.
Just what is letterpress? Here's a nice little Q&A with the guy from Studio on Fire, answering questions about what letterpress is, and why it is currently popular, in case you didn't already know these things...

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