So much lego stuff going around these days! Check out these art pieces. This one is definitely my favourite.
THIS is super clever logo design. Love it.
Rubik's cube for the blind. Can you imagine trying to do that? I mean, as a sighted person with no knowledge of braille. Well, either way, those things are hard!!
Stormstache. I feel like I link to a lot of Star Wars stuff on here. It's funny because I'm not really a big Star Wars fan. I mean, I like the (first 3 [by year made, not year set]) movies and all, but I was never a huge fan or anything. Just an appreciator. And there's a lot of neat/cool/funny stuff that huge fans make.
USB 'thumb' drive. Jenna and I seem to sit on opposite sides of the fine hilarious/creepy line mentioned. (In case you're wondering, I'm on the hilarious side...)------
Wrecking ball lamp. Awesome.
Spaced Flash Mob Slo-Mo Gunfight. Hilarious. Awesome. Wish I could have been there.
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