The CBC had a little museum, which really had a stuff related to their kids shows, which was awesome. Lots of Mr Dressup, including the tickle trunk, Casey and Finnigan's house, and the stool he always sat on to draw! Also saw stuff from The Friendly Giant, Sesame Park (remember Sesame Park, Sesame Street with Canadian bits?), and a lot of microphones (including the one I have in my room, which turns out to be a Shure from like 1955). Finally got myself one of these shirts, which I've been coveting for awhile.
The most pride-filling part though was spending some time in the NFB mediatheque, where you can sit and watch any of the amazing films the NFB has produced over the years. Truthfully, you can do that online too, but it was a nice thing to be able to go there and do. The NFB has documented, and created culture in Canada for a long time, and I'm so happy they're making it so readily available back to us. I grew up watching their shorts, and it's been so long since I've seen some of them, but now I can watch them all again. Yesterday I watched Neighbours, the Oscar winning classic, and Carts of Darkness, which I've been meaning to watch and would definitely would recommend.
Thought I had a bunch of things to post, but then I started working, and realized that a lot of them probably don't matter. Maybe they do, but right now, it's just time for bed.
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