
These hand-stitched versions of classic book covers are pretty awesome.
I feel like I'm behind on posting. We've been busy with kitchen things and work things though. I keep being tempted to share an 'in progress' kitchen shot with you, but I'm trying real hard to wait for the end. We finally have a floor, and now we just have to pick a back splash and a paint colour. Spent a few hours last night cleaning dust off the cupboards, and anything that was in an uncovered box in the dining room. Still more work to go!
One of the things I always enjoy about Overcompensating is the way God acts when he shows up: today's comic was a prime example.

Jeffrey's blog posts are usually interesting/entertaining/good too. For example, with this comic he says some things about religion that I definitely agree with. Such as: "I've had the opinion that 'worship whatever you want, as long as it doesn't hurt anybody'" and "It's a good thing there isn't a commandment in the Decalogue that simply says 'Don't Be an Asshole,' because a lot of American Christians would be in trouble right about now."

My apologies for talking religious on you, but I always like it when someone sums things up nicely. On to lighter things...
I found this picture exciting. Not that I have ever been able to justify buying House merchandise, but I do like a lot of it, and of course I love wooden crates, so this is a good combination for me...
I forgot how awesome it is to search 'peanut' in vintage on etsy. It yields both Mr. Peanut, and Peanuts the comic strip results. Two things I definitely enjoy.
Here are some nice items I found this time:
Peanuts musical ferris wheel bank. This thing is awesome. Too bad it's rare and wicked expensive!
Linus rag doll. This is pretty much one of the cutest things I have seen. So cute.
When I first saw images of this Kracken Rum bottle, I thought 'hey, if I drank rum, that's definitely the rum I would buy!' Now that I've seen this media kit, I totally want that too. Nice packaging, and what looks like clever marketing. I've mentioned before that I get sick of how often packaging blogs cover alcohol labels, but then sometimes, you get a gem like this one. Nice stuff.

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