It seems like my favourite two months are just slipping past my eyes. With one stress after another, time just keeps trucking past me. Lots of good things are happening though, so I can't really complain. I just love fall, but keep feeling too tired or busy to appreciate it. Oh well, there are many more autumn's to come (and still November too!) (image from Absolute Sellout)
This past weekend, thanks to Sue and Ron's friends, I got to drive an Olympia Ice Resurfacer. Pretty awesome.
We had a tour of the factory in Elmira, where most of each machine is hand built from the frame up. Impressive stuff. It's unfortunate that the name Zamboni is so prominent, as Olympia probably does bigger business, and is a home-grown Canadian product. Their machines are used all around the world. Definitely something to be proud of.
Resurfice is actually providing all of the ice resurfacers that will be used at the Vancouver olympics. The machine I drove is one of the ones being sent out there, one of their new electric powered machines (it was so quiet!).
Loving these skateboard decks. Just the right amount of dark/creepy-ness. And nice patterns to boot.
The grey version of these shoes look pretty nice! I'm not sure how they'd look in person, or on (especially on big feet like mine), but I'm loving the concept. Like a pea coat for your feet.
This guy doesn't go by the name Andy Awesome for nothing. Such cute art!
Charlie Brown and Linus!
Batman and Robin!
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